


 剛心会のオンラインクラスで空手を習い始めた頃、「オンラインレッスンで黒帯を取得できますか」と質問しました。 この質問をした背景には、私自身が子どもの頃、黒帯を取得できず悔しい思いをした経験があり、それが黒帯への強い憧れや欲求につながっていたのではないかと考えています。

 私はオンラインで空手を学びましたが、インストラクターとしてオンラインで指導することは、現時点では難しく感じています。そのため、当面は豊橋空手教室でのみ指導させていただく事となりました。 稽古内容は、型を中心に、テキストに沿って意味を考えながら進めています。また、個人的に沖縄古武術のヌンチャクに関心があるため、現在はヌンチャクの練習にも力を入れています。





本部道場:〒277-0011 千葉県柏市東上町4-17



A small karate school has opened on Ushigawa-dori in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture!

The classes are taught by instructor Kazutoshi Nakamura, who is passionate about his quest and loves children.

Opening greeting:

When I first started learning karate in the Goshinkai online classes, I asked the question, ‘Can you get a black belt through online lessons? The reason I asked this question was because when I was a child, I had a frustrating experience of not being able to get a black belt, and I think that this led to my strong yearning and desire to get a black belt.

At that time, Sensei Fujimoto said to me, ‘You can get a black belt just by taking online lessons’, and as he said, I was actually able to get a black belt just by taking online lessons.

However, now I understand that a black belt is just the starting line of karate-do.

And I feel that karate is something that you continue to practise throughout your life.

I learnt karate online, but I find it difficult to teach online at the moment. For this reason, I will only be teaching at the Toyohashi Karate Dojo for the time being. The training content is mainly kata, and we are progressing through the text while considering the meaning of each move. I am also currently focusing on nunchaku training, as I am personally interested in Okinawan Kobujutsu nunchaku.

Kazutoshi Nakamura

☆First, try a free trial lesson!

Contact email: ser.kashiwa@gmail.com

Phone: +81-80-4365-0861

Headquarters Dojo: 4-17 Higashiagami-cho, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba 277-0011

Toyohashi Class: 1-12-10 Ushigawa-dori, Toyohashi-shi, Aichi

Application Form (Word), PDF