
  • Multilingual classes available to people from all over the world
  • A teaching system for a wide range of levels, from beginners to advanced
  • Slow Karate Class for Seniors
  • Hybrid face-to-face and online support

Target of instruction

  1. Those who want to master karate throughout their lives
  2. Those who aim to become leaders in the future
  3. Those who want to improve their health by improving the balance of mind, technique, and body.

Guidance Philosophy

  • Health and Longevity
  • Self-defense in emergencies
  • Non-combat

A saying by Master Miyagi Chojun, founder of Goju-ryu

“Karate is the art of not carrying a small weapon on your body, of training your mind and courage and planning for longevity in times of peace, and of protecting yourself in times of emergency.”

“Don’t hit people, don’t be hit by people, and everything will be fine.”

Practice Overview

  1. Basic Techniques:
    • received
    • Thrust
    • Kick
    • Continuous offensive and defensive techniques
  2. Karate Style:
    • Tai Chi (upper, middle, lower)
    • Hanging reception, rotating reception
    • Crush 1, 2
    • Sanchin, Tensho
    • Cypher, Seichin, Sancerre, Seisan, Seipai
  3. Kempo Theory:
    • posture
    • Fa-jin method (Kei)
    • Breathing exercises
    • Awareness Method
  4. Apparatus Law:
    • Nunchucks

Guidance Manual

Accurate and logical instruction based on the Goju-ryu Teaching Manual (author: Master Gogen Yamaguchi, published in 1977)

We provide accurate and logical instruction in accordance with the book “The Great Master Gogen Yamaguchi’s Karate-Do School” (published in 1977).
*This is a famous book written by Goju-kai and Gogen Yamaguchi sensei as a textbook for the Karate-Do Academy.

Teaching style

We offer online instruction via Zoom as well as face-to-face instruction.

About online instruction

 ① You can compare, verify and improve your own movements while watching the screen.
 ② You can also practice by recording the instruction of advanced practitioners.
 ③ You can have time for dialogue and deepen your understanding of kenpo theory.
 Other benefits:
 ① There is no travel time, cost or transportation burden.
 ② You can participate even if you are transferred overseas or on a business trip. ③
 As long as you have a space of about 4 to 6 tatami mats, you can practice sufficiently.
 ④ There is no risk of injury, which is common in karate training.
* Kumite, joint locks, etc. can be taught separately in person.

AI evaluation of online practice

① Flexibility and convenience:
Online instruction can be done anywhere, making it easier for students to access it from home or any other location.
This also increases the flexibility of the schedule.
② Resource sharing:
In an online environment, resources such as videos and materials can be easily shared.
This makes it easier to review and supplement the teaching content.
③ Ease of individual instruction:
In an online environment, it is easier to communicate with students individually.
If there are questions or concerns, they can be responded to immediately.
This allows for more detailed instruction than in a dojo with a large number of people.

*Basic, kata-centered karate training can lead to the same or greater improvement as in face-to-face training.

The Effects of Karate Training

Physical Benefits:
Improved physical strength: Karate uses all the muscles in your body, so it improves your physical strength, including stamina, strength, and agility.Improved
flexibility: Karate movements are diverse and require physical flexibility. Regular practice will improve your flexibility.Improved
balance: Karate movements and techniques emphasize balance, so your sense of balance will improve through practice.Improved reflexes:
Karate practice requires quick movements and reactions, so it trains your reflexes.

Mental Effects:
Improved concentration: Karate requires instant decision making and concentration. Concentration improves through practice.
Develops patience: Through repeated practice and mastering difficult techniques, students develop patience.
Improved self-control: Karate can involve contact with the opponent, and students’ ability to control that contact and self-control to suppress anger improve.
Mental stability: Karate is influenced by Zen and is expected to cultivate a sense of calm and mental stability.

Social Benefits:
Improved Politeness: Karate incorporates politeness as an important element and emphasizes respect for opponents and sensei.Improved
Communication: Communication skills are improved during practice and through class activities.

International contribution through the spread of karate

We started online instruction in July 2020 as an international dojo where anyone can easily participate from anywhere, regardless of race. We
are currently teaching Indian students in Dubai in the Middle East. We are able to understand each other’s country’s way of thinking and often empathize with each other. Instructions are available in